Dynamic targets

A GcFrame is a dynamically-sized alternative for LocalGcFrame. With a GcFrame we avoid having to count how many slots we'll need.

We'll first need to set up a dynamic stack. This is a matter of calling WithStack::with_stack, the WithStack trait is implemented for LocalHandle. Like LocalGcFrame, there are two secondary targets which reserve a slot, Output and ReusableSlot. They behave exactly the same as their local counterparts do.

use jlrs::prelude::*;

fn add<'target, Tgt>(target: Tgt, a: u8, b: u8) -> ValueResult<'target, 'static, Tgt>
    Tgt: Target<'target>,
    target.with_local_scope::<_, _, 3>(|target, mut frame| {
        let a = Value::new(&mut frame, a);
        let b = Value::new(&mut frame, b);
        let func = Module::base(&frame)
            .global(&mut frame, "+")
            .expect("+ not found in Base");

        // Safety: calling + is safe
        unsafe { func.call2(target, a, b) }

fn main() {
    let mut handle = Builder::new().start_local().expect("cannot init Julia");

    handle.with_stack(|mut stack| {
        stack.scope(|mut frame| {
            let mut output = frame.output();
            let mut reusable_slot = frame.reusable_slot();

                // This result can be used until the next time `(&mut) output` is used
                let result = add(&mut output, 1, 2).expect("could not add numbers");
                let unboxed = result.unbox::<u8>().expect("cannot unbox as u8");
                assert_eq!(unboxed, 3);

                // This result can be used until the scope ends
                let result = add(output, 1, 2).expect("could not add numbers");
                let unboxed = result.unbox::<u8>().expect("cannot unbox as u8");
                assert_eq!(unboxed, 3);

                // This result can be used until the scope ends, but must not be used after
                // `reusable_slot` has been used again. Because the result can live longer
                // than it might be rooted, it's returned as a `ValueRef`.
                let result = add(&mut reusable_slot, 1, 2).expect("could not add numbers");

                // Safety: result is rooted until we use reusable_slot again
                let unboxed = unsafe { result.as_value() }.unbox::<u8>().expect("cannot unbox as u8");
                assert_eq!(unboxed, 3);

                // This result can be used until the scope ends
                let result = add(reusable_slot, 1, 2).expect("could not add numbers");
                let unboxed = result.unbox::<u8>().expect("cannot unbox as u8");
                assert_eq!(unboxed, 3);

While a dynamic scope can be nested like a local scope can, this can only be done by calling GcFrame::scope. Due to requiring a stack, it's not possible to let an arbitrary target create a new dynamic scope.1 Allocating and resizing this stack is relatively expensive, and threading it through our application can be complicated, so it's best to stick with local scopes.

There's one more dynamic target: AsyncGcFrame. It's a GcFrame with some additional async capabilities, we'll take a closer look when the async runtime is introduced.


Technically it's possible by creating a weak handle, but this is discouraged because setting up the dynamic stack is relatively expensive.