Parametric opaque types

The OpaqueType and ForeignType traits create new Julia types without any type parameters, so we can't use these traits when the type has one or more parameters that we want to expose to Julia. Instead, we'll need to implement the ParametricBase and ParametricVariant traits.

ParametricBase describes the type when its parameters haven't been set to an explicit type. We have to provide a Key type which doesn't depend on any of the generics, and the names of all type parameters our Julia type will have. ParametricVariant describes a specific variant of the parameteric type and we must provide type constructors for all generics. A parametric opaque type must be exported with every combination of generics that we want to use.

use jlrs::{
        managed::value::typed::{TypedValue, TypedValueRet},
            foreign_type::{ParametricBase, ParametricVariant},
    impl_type_parameters, impl_variant_parameters,

pub struct ParametricOpaque<T, U> {
    a: T,
    b: U,

impl<T, U> ParametricOpaque<T, U>
    T: 'static + Send + Sync + Copy + ConstructType,
    U: 'static + Send + Sync + Copy + ConstructType,
    fn new(a: T, b: U) -> TypedValueRet<ParametricOpaque<T, U>> {
        match weak_handle!() {
            Ok(handle) => {
                let data = ParametricOpaque { a, b };
                TypedValue::new(handle, data).leak()
            Err(_) => panic!("not called from Julia"),

    fn get_a(&self) -> T {

    fn set_b(&mut self, b: U) -> U {
        let old = self.b;
        self.b = b;

// Safety: we've correctly mapped the generics to type parameters
unsafe impl<T, U> ParametricBase for ParametricOpaque<T, U>
    T: 'static + Send + Sync + Copy + ConstructType,
    U: 'static + Send + Sync + Copy + ConstructType,
    type Key = ParametricOpaque<(), ()>;
    impl_type_parameters!('T', 'U');

// Safety: we've correctly mapped the generics to variant parameters
unsafe impl<T, U> ParametricVariant for ParametricOpaque<T, U>
    T: 'static + Send + Sync + Copy + ConstructType,
    U: 'static + Send + Sync + Copy + ConstructType,
    impl_variant_parameters!(T, U);

julia_module! {
    become julia_module_tutorial_init_fn;

    for T in [f32, f64] {
        for U in [f32, f64] {
            struct ParametricOpaque<T, U>;

            in ParametricOpaque<T, U> fn new(a: T, b: U) -> TypedValueRet<ParametricOpaque<T, U>> as ParametricOpaque;

            in ParametricOpaque<T, U> fn get_a(&self) -> T;
            in ParametricOpaque<T, U> fn set_b(&mut self, b: U) -> U;
julia> module JuliaModuleTutorial ... end

julia> typeof(JuliaModuleTutorial.ParametricOpaque)

julia> v = JuliaModuleTutorial.ParametricOpaque(1.0, float(2.0))
Main.JuliaModuleTutorial.ParametricOpaque{Float64, Float64}()

julia> JuliaModuleTutorial.get_a(v)

julia> methods(JuliaModuleTutorial.set_b)
# 4 methods for generic function "set_b" from Main.JuliaModuleTutorial:
 [1] set_b(arg1::Main.JuliaModuleTutorial.ParametricOpaque{Float64, Float64}, arg2::Float64)
     @ none:0
 [2] set_b(arg1::Main.JuliaModuleTutorial.ParametricOpaque{Float64, Float32}, arg2::Float32)
     @ none:0
 [3] set_b(arg1::Main.JuliaModuleTutorial.ParametricOpaque{Float32, Float64}, arg2::Float64)
     @ none:0
 [4] set_b(arg1::Main.JuliaModuleTutorial.ParametricOpaque{Float32, Float32}, arg2::Float32)
     @ none:0