Async tasks

Async tasks can call async functions, and while awaiting an async function the runtime can switch to another async task. It's possible to call any Julia function as a new Julia task with the methods of the CallAsync trait and await its completion. For this to be effective Julia must be configured to use multiple threads.

To create an async task we'll need to implement the AsyncTask trait. Let's implement a simple task that adds two numbers.

use jlrs::prelude::*;

struct AdditionTask {
    a: f64,
    b: f64,

impl AsyncTask for AdditionTask {
    type Output = f64;

    async fn run<'frame>(&mut self, mut frame: AsyncGcFrame<'frame>) -> Self::Output {
        let v1 = Value::new(&mut frame, self.a);
        let v2 = Value::new(&mut frame, self.b);
        let add_fn = Module::base(&frame)
            .global(&mut frame, "+")
            .expect("cannot find Base.+");

        // Safety: we're just adding two floating-point numbers
        unsafe { add_fn.call_async(&mut frame, [v1, v2]) }
            .expect("caught an exception")
            .expect("cannot unbox as f64")

fn main() {
    let (async_handle, thread_handle) = Builder::new()
        .expect("cannot init Julia");

    let recv = async_handle
        .task(AdditionTask { a: 1.0, b: 2.0 })
        .expect("runtime has shut down");

    let res = recv
        .expect("cannot receive result");

    assert_eq!(res, 3.0);

    thread_handle.join().expect("runtime thread panicked")

The trait implementation is marked with #[async_trait(?Send)] because the future returned by AsyncTask::run can't be sent to another thread but must be executed on the runtime thread. This method is very similar to the closures we've used with scopes so far, the major difference as that it's an async method and that it takes an AsyncGcFrame that we haven't used before.

An AsyncGcFrame is a GcFrame that provides some extra features. In particular, the methods of the CallAsync trait, e.g. call_async, don't take an arbitrary target but must be called with a mutable reference to an AsyncGcFrame. These methods execute a function as a new Julia task in a way that lets us await its completion, the runtime thread can switch to other tasks while it's waiting for this task to be completed.

Dispatching an async task to the runtime is very similar to dispatching a blocking task, we just need to replace AsyncHandle::blocking_task with AsyncHandle::task.